Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Hope, Will, Robbi, and Jacob

On the way Up Clingman's Dome

On the way Up Clingman's Dome
We Made it ! Can't see anything through the cloud, but we made it.

The Kids in Costume

The Kids in Costume

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Update on Will

Will had a rough start to yesterday. He had his medical exams and he was not a happy! Jim has he cried the longest and loudest of all the kids there. Jim ran into the Pat and Doris at the medical exams. Pat and Doris are the ones who helped bring Hope home.

Will appears to have ruled the roost at the orphanage. He really dislikes the word "No". He seems to be settling in, but will only let Jim hold. That's actually a really good sign as far as attachment issues. Yesterday, they were heading to the police station to get his passport and then were going to check out an active Buddhist temple. The weather has been rainy, so they haven't had a chance to really get out and sight see yet. It's supposed to improve today. I'll post their next update when I get it.


1 comment:

alison said...

Will is so precious. We just brought our son, Paul, home in Dec. He has the same LD only his right lower arm is missing. He was almost 2 at the time of adoption and he grieved pretty heavily at first too. Glad I came upon your blog and plan to follow the rest of your journey.