Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Hope, Will, Robbi, and Jacob

On the way Up Clingman's Dome

On the way Up Clingman's Dome
We Made it ! Can't see anything through the cloud, but we made it.

The Kids in Costume

The Kids in Costume

Monday, March 12, 2007

Electronics Market

Today we woke up around 6:30 to eat breakfast.The food is starting to get bland because I have had it WAY too many times in a row. Will ate (as always) like a Hippo with a weight problem. I had orange juice and ate a bowl of cereal.

In the hotel room, we ran out of soymilk. Since Will drinks a lot of soy milk, we left the building for a walk to the Super market.

The supper market had none, so we decided to take a walk. We practically walked the ENTIRE SHAMAN ISLAND. (push comes to shove - it is tiny.) On the walk, we saw no overweight Chinese people. (my dad said it proves his point- Americans eat a lot of fatty foods.) I guess that means Chinese eat very little fatty foods.

Once at the hotel room,I played Runescape for a little, when our guide, Chris, rang our doorbell. He said that it was time to go to the Buddhist temple. When we got to the car, there were several other adopting families. They were all going to the temple too. There was no room in the car, so my dad said we would get out of the van to make room(bad dad!). We then decided to go to the electronic market.

Ounce there, we found tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and etc. etc. etc. of electronic stuff-not only neat, but some that may have been black market stuff. We found a ton of movies that were not even out yet!And we found pokemon diamond and pearl-for the gba. (all poke fans know that diamond and pearl are for the ds}.PLUS the backs of the boxes on them both said yugioh things- like duels and gettig cards to fight with. Illegal. (I did buy what I think are used copies of Rpg Maker (completely in Japanese. How I know is the lady at the counter said-I can't read that,it is Japanese.) Advance and Tales of Phantasia and the Sims Advance. Then we left, thinking that if we stayed a little longer, we will get thrown in China prison. PS: we bought nothing from the black market.

once we left, we went to our hotel again, were we put Will down for a nap. I played the computer for a while, then my dad told me to write (or type) an entry for the blog. and here I am. Typing my blog.

Jacob C.

[Dad's entry]

Today (Sunday) we were scheduled to to go to a Buddhist temple, but unfortunately our van to take us there was too small for us and the other parents our guide is assisting. Jacob, Will, and I opted to skip the temple for now and decided to catch a taxi to Guangzhou's electronic market. This was our first outing off the Island without a guide.

The Electronics Market was enormous, but it was definitely "Buyer Beware." I bought a 8 GB Sony USB memory stick and 2 GB Kensington compact flash card for my camera for approximately $40. Both seem to work ok, but the price seemed too good to be true.

Will, for the most part, did much better today than yesterday. Except for our time at the electronics market, he walked everywhere holding my hand. This is a big step for Will and me - I think he's developing a little more trust in us, and my arms and back is getting a much needed break.

Tomorrow we head to the police station to apply for Will's passport.

1 comment:

Valeri said...

Will is one lucky little guy! I love following your trip. We'll be going to China this spring or summer for our son.