Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Hope, Will, Robbi, and Jacob

On the way Up Clingman's Dome

On the way Up Clingman's Dome
We Made it ! Can't see anything through the cloud, but we made it.

The Kids in Costume

The Kids in Costume

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Had to laugh

Yesterday, we are getting ready to baptize Will. The girls were picking their outfits, and looking look quite beautiful. Hope was busy demonstrating the merit of her dress. It met all her twirling requirements. Jim asked Will if he would like to wear it, and he said yes. The twirling appeal got him.

Jim asked him who wore dresses and Will quickly told him girls do. Jim then asked him if he was a girl. Will firmly told him "No, I am not a girl!" Well, this got Jim curious so he asked if he was a boy, which Will promptly replied "No!" Now, Jim was confused so he decided to see what Will thought we was, so he asked, Well Will, What are you?" Will held up his hand with 3 fingers on it and said "I am this."

We seem to have age down. Largely thanks to Hope, who is very proud she is 4. Now, we have to work on gender.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

LEGO Robotics Competition

This year, I had a very busy year being the single coach of two Robotics team. The tournament was Friday and Saturday. I am so incredibly proud of my kids. They spent all last semester learning how to program a NXT robot to perform a series of 15 tasks. They also had to learn about alternative fuels, and perform an energy audit on a building. The kids worked so hard. Friday night, they had three sessions with judges to discuss their project, their robot design and demonstate their teamwork. All the kids partcipated and they got great feedback from the judges.

On Saturday, they participated in the robotics competition. The kids had to run their robot three times. The kids did so incredibly well. My Green Team with the help of Terry Duke came in 3rd place for the project. They created a skit based on their audit. Terry worked with the kids the week before the competition and gave them some acting tips. They must have listened to her, because they did really well. Anyone who knows me, knows they didn't get any acting tips from me! What a day! Even without the trophy, we had a great weekend.

The most important thing was the kids really seemed to have learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Since most of the time, it was just me and 16 kids( 14 boys and 2 girls)I can guarantee that they did the work!

I can't say how proud I am. The competition is for kids from 9 to 14 years old. My kids ranged from 5th grade to 8th grade. What a weekend!