Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Hope, Will, Robbi, and Jacob

On the way Up Clingman's Dome

On the way Up Clingman's Dome
We Made it ! Can't see anything through the cloud, but we made it.

The Kids in Costume

The Kids in Costume

Sunday, May 13, 2007

All is Well

I keep catching myself coming and going. We finally have finished our school for the year - 180 days! Now, I have to spend sometime trying to figure out what we are going to do next year. This summer, we are going to start writing a novel. It is a grammer curriculum specifically designed to use what we have studied. Show the kids why we learn grammer. Next week, the kids start working on their main characters. So far they have LOVED it. Jim is the Editor in Chief. They have to run everything by daddy.

Jacob has been amazing me. I found a beginning C programming book. The back of the book said "If you can't spell C, this book is for you." Jacob has been plugging away. Jim checks him periodically and says he's got it. Jacob's real goal is to learn how to program his own games.

Aaron attended his first Boy Scout Camporee. He loved it. He is so excited to finally be a Boy Scout! He just had his 11 birthday. I can't believe that he is 11 years old. Where does time go!

Robbi is very excited she is officially a Girl Scout. She flew up last weekend. Her leader is staying on. We are so excited. LaConta has done such a good job. She seems to have found the right mix between working on try-its and having fun.

Hope and Will are doing so great. Will knocked my socks off. On the last day of Friday classes, he willingly stayed in the nursery. He joined Hope in her P.E. class. (Mrs Boyd graciouly allowed Hope to join her 3rd thru 5th grade class.) Will still amazes me. He really seems to feel that he has come home. One thing, I do know, he LOVES having a daddy. Jim tilled up the garden this weekend and Will was right there with him. Where Jim is your are sure to find Will. All though I will say, he likes mom too.

1 comment:

Chuck Gautier said...

Sounds like Will is finding a great home! Keep up the blogging. I have you on a google reader page now...I'll call y'all soon to catch up!