Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Hope, Will, Robbi, and Jacob

On the way Up Clingman's Dome

On the way Up Clingman's Dome
We Made it ! Can't see anything through the cloud, but we made it.

The Kids in Costume

The Kids in Costume

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Will, here we come!

I can't believe it has been almost a year since we first learned about Will and decided to go on this newest adventure. It all started with an email from Amy Hall introducing us to Charlie AKA Xu QiQi. When we first found his file, it was close to being returned to China, but another family was trying to work out some details to adopt him. Jim was very philosphical about this. Everytime the kids and I said "wouldn't it be great to add this little guy to our family." Jim would say "Isn't it great he has a family trying to adopt him." We all had to agree.

One day about two weeks after we found his file, Jim was sitting in church and when the service was over Jim said, "You know it would be great if we could adopt Will." The next day, the agency called and Will was ours. The other couple couldn't get it to work out. They went on to adopt a baby boy also from China. They brought their new son home in December.

The paperchase was on for Will.

Along with once again trying to figure out how we were going to break it to our family and friends that we were adding another child. Most people think we are crazy with four kids, how do you break the news you will be adding a fifth child. Amazingly enough, most people did not seem to be surprised.

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